Sounds of Hurt
The sound of hurt can be…
The silent drop of a tear, rolling down ones cheek
The loud tones of a scream, when they can no longer speak
The crashing of a fist as it hits against a wall
The bowing of a head when they can no longer stand tall
The sound of hurt cannot be heard through words only
If we don’t listen to all, we banish them lonely
Often hurt can speak through actions and not by a choice.
Because for a moment the hurting have lost their voice

What do I say?
Most times say nothing …
Step into the suffering, which means be willing to sit in silence and really hear the sounds of hurt, look at things as if it was your pain and what would you need…
When I have spoken at events, I have always been asked the question “What do I say”
And I answer, sometimes there are no words, no words are needed, because our own actions will speak as loud as their hurt… and they need a presence of support, trust and quiet permission to express all the hurt they need to release…
What strategies do you recommend to cultivate that quiet yet safe and strong presence when being there for those who are hurting?