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to encourage, inspire, motivate & heal


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Our Purpose


To empower women, to bring together a community of women. Not only those affected by tragedy, but all women. The hurting, the struggling, the lost, the lonely. Believe it or not, we are all like-minded, facing obstacles, challenges and most of all ourselves... our own truths.


What we tell ourselves or more specifically the lies we speak and then believe...

We know where you are, where you've been & most importantly where you wish you could be, because we're walking that same journey. At Whisper we want to share

things that have helped us, inspired us, given us the motivation and most of all pushed us to keep going when

all we wanted to do was give up. 




Whisper For Now

Whisper for Now is not a replacement for professional counselling or therapy. It's a platform for sharing and healing. It allows us to see and hear others and to know we are the same, and we're going to be okay. Our hope is to become a community of people working together towards change, awareness, and empowerment.

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