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Karen Kuntz is a surviving victim of sexual assault.  She will take you on her personal journey and also share the impact a crime of this nature has on a victim.

For more inquiries about the presentation, or if you are interested in having Karen speak please contact us at


Sonia McLean - 25 years experience supporting victims, Sonia is well-versed in trauma and the lasting effects. She speaks to the common victim reactions to trauma experiences that leave long-term psychological effects. You have a victim, what do you say, how do you help them and where do we go from here?

Constable Jason Schiebelbein - A twelve-year veteran police officer, talks about his experience dealing with and investigating sexual assault crimes.  Jason also shares some personal experiences that led to his decision to become a police officer.

Rachel MacLean - A photojournalist by trade, is documenting Karen's work and the issues surrounding sexual assault.  Her documentary is expected to be released later this year.



"Powerful - lots of help in working with victims in the future."


"A very special presentation.  It is very powerful to hear Karen's personal story and its impact.  She has good insight and good advice as to how to deal with victims.  The video of the rape was very impactful."


"Very moving.  Hearing someones story firsthand is very impactful."


"This is a beneficial presentation.  A victim's perspective provides an insight into a horrific violation.  It takes courage and strength."


"Thank you for speaking about the unspeakable."




"Very profound how a survivor can share her story.  Helps put things in perspective.  Powerful story."


"Was wonderful to listen to a victim firsthand.  Thank you for sharing the facets of this very important topic and for helping me understand how important it is when you respond to those who have experienced this."


"Thank you Karen for being brave enough to share your story.  You're an inspiration of courage. I  wish you continued healing.  You're helping so many!"


"So proud of you Karen - you rock! Thank you for helping to teach me some beautiful and wonderful ways in which to assist a person who has been raped."


"Very grateful that Karen could share her story.  Appreciate her courage - but also her insight and observations about how to best respond to victims.  This is something I can carry forward and use in the work I do.  Thank you!"


"Great, effective powerful message.  Presentation was very worth having in the conference."


"Very well spoken and presented as a walk through her ordeal.  Thank you for voicing your story and sharing your important experiences with us.  Really brought into perspective that just listening and validating does help.  Continue "to fight the good fight". Thank you!"


"I appreciate the courage and strength it took for Karen to present on her experience.  I feel that her first-hand experience can help us all more effectively help victims of sexual assault.  Powerful presentation."


"Thankful that Karen was able to tell her story.  Awesome presentation.  I realize how difficult it must've been to present it."


"Incredible.  Must continue to speak.  Good information from the victim's perspective."


"Thank you, Karen, for sharing. It was valuable to hear your story.  Any items you shared will be put to good use."


"Karen gave a very raw insight for me into how a rape feels as it happened and how it has affected her life and family and friends."


"Courageous, enlightening rare candour and genuineness - much appreciated."


"Wow - again a powerful first-hand story! Very informative!"


"She spoke right from her soul and took us all back with her.  Karen thank you for your courage to share."


"Karen is an amazing woman and I thank her for her strength and willingness to share."


"Thanks so much for speaking to us.  Strongly awesome.  Very powerful and very courageous!"



Whisper For Now

Whisper for Now is not a replacement for professional counselling or therapy. It's a platform for sharing and healing. It allows us to see and hear others and to know we are the same, and we're going to be okay. Our hope is to become a community of people working together towards change, awareness, and empowerment.

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