It has been my hearts desire, pure desire to take a horrific event in my life and turn it...
turn it around
make sense of it...
I couldn't ask why, I needed to ask myself what? What am I going to do with this?
In the midst of my storm, my mom asked...
"Are you mad, are you mad at God?"
I was so numb, I really felt nothing at the time. But I did look forward and I told her
some day I will bring about good from something so evil
But time... I needed time. I sat in the "in between"
Now it's time...
years and years later
Hopefully through my journey you learn to sit well, sit with the moment...
sit with the everything "in between" and sit in the now...
Whisper for Now has been a place for survivors of sexual assault, but we want to change that...
we want it to be a place for anyone and everyone because we can all sit under that same umbrella no matter the circumstances that brought us there. We can all learn from lived experiences and we gain strength, hope and inspiration by knowing others have been where we are...
We want to hear your whisper, hear your story, whatever it may be and we want you to know you are not alone... this is a place to learn, and be inspired to grow.